Nominated Person

Why do you need a competent person?

According to the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999, employers must appoint one or more competent persons to assist them in ensuring workplace occupational health and safety, including assessing risks, implementing preventive and protective measures, and providing information and training to employees.

If a company does not have a designated competent person for Health and Safety then it is highly recommended that you they seek the advice and guidance from an external source, such as Apollo Safety Ltd.

How Can We Help You?

For a one-off annual fee or a recurring monthly plan, we will provide you with a cost effective way of fulfilling your requirement to have a named competent person for occupational health and safety, as required by regulation 9 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.

This package includes:

  • Access to a dedicated Health and Safety advisor. The advisor will be available for 2 hours a month, any additional time shall be charged at the current rate.
  • Permission to use Apollo Safety Ltd and the CV of your designated consultant to demonstrate that you have assigned a competent person for Health and Safety. You could also use this for supporting documentation for upcoming tenders.
  • Included in this package we will also assist with any reporting of incidents to the Health and Safety Executives and assist with and notifications you may have had.
  • Annual review of your Health and Safety policy.

Learn more about our Nominated Person